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EMS education

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One patient most providers do not see often are pediatrics, or children. If it has been a while and depending on the program you attended pediatrics or kids wasn't a major part of the program. Most medics get a bit nervous with kid calls, just because we do not see that many. The leading cause of death is drowning, this doesn't have to be in a lake or large body of water but in a pool or bathtub. The next leading cause of trauma for kids between 5-19 years of age is an MVA involvement. In Kenya to many time I see little kids bouncing around in the car which tells me they are not properly secured. Here is an article from EMS 1 and a good read. Look into a good pediatric course or at least read web based articles or listen to podcast to help be as currant as you can when it comes to kids.

Back to the basics: Pediatric trauma


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