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EMS education

Public·19 members

I have had so many discussions with my Kenya EMT (all levels) friends about qualifications, certifications, and getting the credibility they all deserve for doing emergency medicine. The MOH is working on standards as I write this, and that is per a conversation I had with them several weeks ago. When will they come out or how much priority will they have, is unknown. Here is a good article was written in 2017 by one of the authors Dr. Ben Wachira, who is also a friend of mine (full disclosure). The test bank was small in comparison to other observations, with only 20 students and 60 total hours and one time, but it was something. When we look at student answers or competency evaluation, we also have to look at is it the teacher, the student, or the curriculum, if something isn't understood. It is one of the three and once you find which one if not all three and correct it, the outcomes are usually better.

If you want a credible educational system, it starts with the curriculum, institution, and educators, if you just bring in a person to teach with the only credentials of, "they are an EMT" and not been through some form of instructor training and monitoring, then that is one of your first weak links. The other weak link is with the curriculum and then evaluating a student, there has to be a standard when it comes to medicine, and "just good enough" isn't good enough. Please read the article and put some comments or thoughts in, this is a topic most can contribute to and from different versions, just remember to be friendly!


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